A Virtual Place for Alumni, Students, Research Scholars, Faculties and Staff
Online Registration through IUMS for the session 2019-20 will be opened till 20.03.2024
National Level FDP on "Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Real-World Applications"
Committee for "An Integrated CCS for Vocational and Skill Course"
Notification with regard to Alumni Association, Deptt. of Philosophy, Gauhati University
Training Programme -Molecular Biology/Molecular Diagnostics
I think each department of the University should in a year organize at least one workshop and conference. This will help in research development and social interactions leading to collaborative work.
What are your opinions?
Dear Ahmed, I am sure, almost all department at-least organize one event in a year.
Sorry Sir, your "almost" is a reply in itself. Being a student and now a research scholar in the Dept. of Statistics, G.U, I am very sad to inform you that since 2015 we did not have any such events. Hence, there should be compulsion in this manner to encourage research. I hope you favor me on this matter and necessary steps are taken by the concerned.
Absolutely. Why just one? For a vibrant worldclass academic environment we need so much more.Being the oldest in the North East we lack so much in terms of exposure to current research trends.
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