Corrigendum from Dikhowmukh College, Sivasagar

With reference to the DHE letter no. G(B) AC/Permission/ 194/2014/45 dated 20-01- 2016, the advertisement published in this newspaper on 22-01-2024 in respect of the post of Asst. Professor in Assamese (Group B) is hereby withdrawn and the said post is now open to all groups. Fresh applications are invited from interested candidates with all requisite qualifications as per the earlier advertisement along with a DD of Rs. 1000 in favour of Principal & Secretary, Dikhowmukh College payable at SBI Gaurisagar branch within 10 days from publication of this Corrigendum. Those who applied earlier for the post need not apply. Sd/- Dr. Lutfun Nahar Principal i/c Dikhowmukh College P.O. Bharalua Tiniali Sivsagar 785664


Online applications from eligible Indian  are invited for appointment into the following posts at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

1. Technical Officer Gr. II - 09 Posts (UR-04; S.C-01; ST-01; O.B.C-03)

For more details log in to or

Recruitement of various posts at Guwahati College of Architecture

Applications are invited for the posts of Principal, Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor at  Guwahati College of Architecture. For details visit

Recruitement of Lectures at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College of Education (B.Ed) Assam, Silchar.

Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College of Education (B.Ed) Assam, Silchar. Applications are hereby invited for the following permanent post of Lecturers as per NCTE norms. 1. English (Qualification require- MA in English with 55% and M.Ed with 55%). 2. Social Studies (MA in Pol. Science/Economics/ Sociology with 55% and M.Ed with 55%). Salary- Negotiable. Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications in College Office before 10th June or send through Email with all particulars to [email protected]. Ph. 03842-270003. Mob- 09706047701 (Co-Ordinator) (N.B- The College authority will provide T.A. to the candidate those who will appeared the interview) Sd/- MD Cum Secretary. SV/P/1720/1

Recruitement of Faculty at J.B. Hagjer Degree College, Umrongso, Dima Hasao

Application are invited from candidates having UGC norms for the following post: (i) English-I, (ii) Economics-II, (iii) Education-I, (iv) Political Science-I, (v) History-I, (vi) Philosophy-I. Applications along with documents from HSLC onwards must be reached the following address on or before twenty days of publication of this advertisement. Salary - Consolidated fixed pay + others. Principal, J.B. Hagjer Degree College, P.O. Umrongso, Dima Hasao, Assam, Pin-788931. SV/P/12858/1

Recruitement of Project Supervisor and Project Coordinator at Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya

Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya invites applications for the post of: Project Supervisor (1 Post) Project Coordinator (1 Post) Regd. Qualification :- MSW/BSW or Graduate with 2 to 5 years experience of social service background or working experience with prominent NGOs working in community development activities with knowledge in computers, report writing, planningimplementation, capability to lead a team. Age: Not above 35 years. Interested candidates may please apply with their Complete Resume giving contact number/email id to the under mentioned authority on or before 07/06/2016. The Manager (HR) Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya 96, Basistha Road, Guwahati - 781 028 Tel # (0361) 2233444 / 2228921 Email- [email protected] N.B.: Shortlisted candidates will only be called for interview. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding.

Recruitement of Junior Scientist at Assam Agriculture University, Khanapara, Guwahati

DIRECTORATE OF RESEARCH (Vety):: ASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, KHANAPARA, GUWAHATI-781 022 No. 99/DRV/ 823/2016-17/ Advertisement No. 1/2016 Applications are invited from Indian citizens for direct recruitment of some Junior Scientist positions for some outside funded research projects in operation at Faculty of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara. The positions are purely temporary and coterminous with the projects. The requisite qualifications and other terms of reference are available in the University website, The interested and eligible candidates may download the relevant materials and apply in prescribed formats. The applications completed in all respect should reach the office of the Directorate of Research (Vety), Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati on or before June 25th, 2016. Sd/-Director of Research (Vety) Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara- Guwahati -781022

Recruitement of Assistant Professor at Golaghat Commerce College, Golaghat

Applications from the candidates having latest UGC norms with NET/ SLET/SET Degree (as mandatory required qualification) supported by all relevant documents from H.S.L.C. onwards along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,500/- (Non Refundable) drawn in favour of the Principal, Golaghat Commerce College, Golaghat at SBI, Golaghat Branch are invited for filling up the following permanent posts of Assistant Professors in the revised Pay Band - AGP Rs, 15,600 - 39,100+ AGP 6000 with other allowances as per rule as admissible time to time. Applicants, those who have obtained M.Phil degree on or before10-07-2009 may also apply for the post excluding the applicants obtained M.Phil/ Ph.D. Degree from off Campus Centre. Provided however, the candidates/applicants, who are or have been awarded a Ph.D Degree in accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation,2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET. 1. Assistant Professor - Economics. 1 post un-reserved. 2. Assistant Professor - Human Resource Management. 1 post reserved for OBC/MOBC. The age of the candidates should not be more than 38 years as on 01-01-2016. Candidates in Service must apply through candidates proper channel. The candidates must submit PRC and must know local languages. Application with all the required documents should reach the undersigned within 15 days from the date of Publication of the advertisement. No need to apply once again those who have applied in response to the earlier advertisement. No TA and DA will be paid to the candidates. Sd/- Principal & Secretary Golaghat Commerce College, P.O. & Dist. Golaghat, PIN-785621, Assam.

Appointment of Agriculture Graduates at FOLIAGE CROP SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED

FOLIAGE CROP SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED a Chennai based Agro Input Company, Producers of "SPIC CYTOZYME" a reputed Plant Growth Regulator (PGR), Bio pesticides, seeds, etc., requires candidates for the following marketing positions located at Assam:

1. Marketing Executives/ Marketing Officer: Fresh B.Sc., (Agri) or with 2 to 3 years relevant field experience.

Interested candidates may forward resume to [email protected]


Contact Manager-HR Mobile No: +919500015011

Vacancies at GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute, Assam

GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute, Assam invites application for the following posts:

1. Fleet Head: B. Tech/B.E in Automobile engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with 10-15 years experience in Automobile sector, preferably in Managerial Position.

2. Finance Head: MBA/PGDM/M.Com in Finance with 10-15 years experience in a finance department. Experience in a Managerial Position shall be preferred.

3. H.R Executive: MBA/PGDM in HR with 3-4 years experience. Experience in HRMS application software shall be preferred.

4. MBBS Doctors for Online Medical Direction (OMLD). Any MBBS Doctor may apply. Freshers may also apply.

5. EME: B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with 3-4 years experience in automobile sector.

CV may be sent to [email protected]

Appointment of Sub-Editor Cum Reporter at Asam Bani, Guwahati

Applications are invited to fill the following vacancy at Asam Bani, Guwahati.

1. Sub-Editor Cum Reporter : The applicant should be Graduate with minimum 5 years experience in Journalism. Good communication skills, computer literacy, command over Assamese, experience in Page Layout and ability to translate from English to Assamese are essential. The age limit is 35 years.

Emoluments and perks as per Wage Board recommendations will be offered. Apply with complete bio-data along with xerox copies of the original certificates and published materials along with a photograph, within 10 days of publication to :

Personnel Officer,
Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd.,
M. R. D. Road, Chandmari,
Guwahati - 781 003.

Recruitement of Lectures at P.G.T.T. College, Jhagrarpar, Dhubri

Application with attested copies of marks sheet and certificates for post of Lecturer in Assamese, Bengali, Social Science and History with minimum 55% marks in master degree and M.Ed, will be received by Principal cum Secretary, Dhubri P.G.T.T. College, P.O. Jhagrarpar, Dist- Dhubri (Assam) Pin-783325. Pay negotiable. Within 15 days from the date of advertisement. SV/P/12696/1 

Recruitement for different posts at Kendriya Vidyalaya , Lumding

(Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)
Officer’s Colony, N.F. Railway
Lumding Distt-Nagaon
(Assam) 782447
Ph./ Mob. 03674-265509
 Walk-in-interview for the following posts on purely contractual basis for session 2016-17. 1. PGT- Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Comp. Sc, Biology, Commerce, Economics on 07th June, 2016, 9 AM onwards. 2. TGT- Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Sc, Sanskrit, on 07th June 2016, 11 AM onwards. 3. Doctor (MBBS, Registered with Medical Council of India)- duty hours 10 AM to 12 Noon (2 Hours per day) on consolidated pay Rs. 1000 per working Day. Interview date-7th June 2016, at 4 PM. 4. Nurse (Diploma in Nursing) duty hours- School hours (7 Hours per day) on consolidated pay Rs. 750 per working Day. Interview date- 07th June 2016, at 4.30 PM. 5. Dance expert, Games expert, Yoga Teacher, Spoken English Teacher, Computer Instructor, Counselor on 08th June 2016, 9 AM onwards. 6. Primary Teachers on 08th June 2016, 11 AM onwards. Detailed qualifications, salary etc. is being displayed on Bring original documents along with one set of Xerox copy.

Recruitement of Assistant professor at DHSK Commerce College, Dibrugarh

Applications are invited with all testimonials including PRC along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- drawn in favour of the Principal, DHSK Commerce College, Dibrugarh payable at SBI, Dibrugarh for the following posts. Applications should reach the undersigned within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.1. Assistant Professor:Statistics (Reserved forSC)Roster Point No -36 Scale of pay 15,600 - 39,000+ 6000 with other admissible allowances. Maximum age of the candidates 38 yrs as on 01.01.2024 and relaxable 5yrs for ST/SC candidates.Candidates must have NET/ SLET/SET as mandatory qualification, M. Phil Degree holder prior to 10.07.2023 and Ph.D. Degree holder as per UGC regulation 2009 are exempted from NET/SLET/SET excluding off campus degree holders. Applicants must know local language.
Sd/- (Dr. K.M. Bhagawati)
Principal DHSK Commerce College Dibrugarh

Walk-in-Interview for appointment of 53 posts of General Duty Medical Officers (GDMOs) on contractual basis in Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

Schedule for Walk-in-Interview for appointment of 53 posts of General Duty Medical Officers (GDMOs) on contractual basis in Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Hospitals in different locations. The Interview will be organized on 06.06.16 at 1000.hrs. to 1800 hrs. at Transit Camp, ITBP, Jalukbari, Guwahati (Assam).
Suitable and willing candidates may report at Transit Camp, ITBP, Jhalukbari, Guwahati (Assam) /contact on Telephone No. 0361-2335431.

In this regard for more details may also visit in ITBP sites &

Recruitment for a temporary post of Lab Assistant under an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) sponsored research project.

Applications are invited by the undersigned for Walk-in-Interview for a temporary post of Lab. Assistant under an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) sponsored research project under Dr. Dipnakar Baruah, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, F.A.A. Medical College Hospital, Barpeta. Intending candidates may attend the same with dully filled up standard application form as published on
the Assam Gazette in Part IX.

Date & Venue of Interview: 9th June, 2016 (Thursday) at 11.00 hrs. at College Building, FAAMCH. Barpeta.

Educational Qualification: DMLT passed from the state Govt. recognized institute of Assam.
Salary: Rs. 16,188/- per month.
Duration: One year.

Interested candidates may appear before the selection committee with original documents and photocopies of age proof. mark sheets and certificates of examinations from HSLC onwards, recent bio-data and any other relevant testimonials on the day of interview. It is required that all candidates will present their educational qualification along with marks obtained (percentage) in the format enclosed at the time of interview.
N.B.: No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent
F.A.A. Medical College & Hospital, Barpeta

Recruitement of different posts at ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL NARANGI SATGAON, GUWAHATI

Application (Hard Copy) in prescribed form of application available at are invited for appointment for the post of Counselor, TGT (Science), PRT, Messenger and Safaikarmachari (Male) along with an application, Fresh Bio Data/ Resume, self attested photocopies of all relevant certificates/ testimonials and one copy of recent passport size photograph. Interview will be held on 06 June 2016. Last date for submission of application form (Hard Copy) is 28 May 2016. Visit for further details.

Recruitement of teaching and non teaching posts at Hills College of Teacher Education, Lekhi , Naharlagun, Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh.

A Walk-in-Interview for few Teaching and Nonteaching open positions/ posts has been scheduled to be held on 11th June 2016 (Saturday) at 10.00 AM in the Office of the Principal, Hills College of Teacher Education, Lekhi (beside NH-52A), Naharlagun, Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh. Eligible and intending candidates are invited to attend the same along with their Original Certificates, Five copies of Bio-Data, Five number of self attested photo copies of each Document(s)/Testimonial(s), Photo Identity Proof, Caste Certificate in Original and NOC from the Employer, in case some body is employed and his/her application is not routed through proper channel. Further, the candidates are requested to submit their resumes in soft on or before 04th June 2016 through the E-mail address of the college i.e. hcteitanager@ For detailed information, please refer to the college website i.e. Contact No: 0360-2257192 (O), 09862177168 (M) Principal

Health care assistant required at Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya , Beltola,, Guwahati

Applications are invited for the posts of 1. Health Care Assistant(Multipurpose) - 2 post
Minimum qualification: H. S. with good Computer knowledge (MS WORD, MSEXCEL) and typing speed.Age: Not above 25 years. Interested candidates may please apply with their complete resume giving telephone/mobile number and E-mail address to the under mentioned authority on or before 31/05/2024 :
The Manager (HR)
Sri Sankaradeva
96, Basistha Road, Beltola,
Guwahati - 781028,
Email:- [email protected]
only shortlisted candidateswill be called for interview.

Recruitement of Secretary and Recovery cum Liasion Officer at The Industrial Cooperative Bank Limited , Lakhtokia ,Guwahati

Applications are invited for the post of Secretary and Recovery -cum-Liaison officer having the requisite qualification as below--
A. Secretary
1.Educational Qualification:Graduate from any recognised University
2.Age Limit:Less than 40 years as on 31.03.2024
3.Experience:Minimum of 2 years in statutory bank branch audit and minimum one year experience in Concurrent audit of Bank.The candidate should have adequate experience in handling Income Tax,Service tax matters.
4.Desirable:The candidate should preferably be a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and additional qualification of a Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India will be getting more preferance.

B. Recovery cum Liaison Officer
1.Educational Qualification:Graduate from any recognized University and completed the training required for a debt. recovery agent from any recognized institute.
2.Age limit: Candidate should be less than 45 years as on 31.03.2024
3.Experience:Minimum experience of 5 years as recovery agent /official in any bank NBFC and experience in Liaising with various Govt. Departments, Financial Institutions and handling legal matters.
4.Desirable: The candidate should be preferably a post graduate and undergone training in NPA management from reputed institute.

The salary for the posts will be as per bank's pay scale and the intending candidates fulfilling the criteria may apply to--The Managing director ,The Industrial Co-operative Bank Ltd, SS Road ,Lakhtokia, Guwahati--781001, Assam.The candidates may apply in Banks e-mail ([email protected])or apply in Sealed Cover with all relevant documents and the application should reach the Bank within 7 days after publication of this advertisement.Original documents are to be presented at the time of interview as and when called for.Merely satisfying the aforementioned criteria  do not entitle a candidate to be called for interview.The management reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof and the decision of the management will be final.No TA/DA will be borne by the bank for appearance of the candidate in the interview.(Subhra Jyoti Bharali, MD)

Recruitement of Computer instructor at Khetri Girls' High School, Khetri , Kamrup(metro)

Applications are invited from the candidates for the Post of Computer Instructor 1 (one) having graduation. Application must be submitted before 23.05.2016. Date of interview 26.05.2024 at 11 am. Head Mistress, Khetri Girls’ High
School, P.O.- Khetri, PIN No-
782403, Kamrup (Metro).

Recruitement of faculties at Anandaram Baruah Academy, Bijni

Applications are invited for the following Posts of - 1. Botany- 01, 2. Zoology-01, 3. Maths-01. Qualification- M.Sc. (Regular) (Experience preference). Interested candidates may contact with testimonials on or before : 27.05.2016. Salary: Negotiable. Anandaram Baruah Academy: Bijni. Contact No. 03668284181, 9957719711, 9435513667. Email: [email protected]. SV/P/12082/2

Recruitement of Assistant Professor at Kaziranga College, Nagaon

Applications are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor having UGC norms. Full Bio-data to reach undersigned within 10 days of publication of this advertisement. Salary negotiable, two posts in each subject. (1) Political Science, (2) Economics, (3) Education, (4) Assamese and one post each in English & History. Secretary, Kaziranga College, Dakhin Jarbagan, Nagaon, Assam, PIN- 782450. Contact- 9954379180, 9957719265. SV/P/12092/1

Recruitement of Subject Teachers at Bidya Choudhury Public School, Bhomolahati,Bezera,

Applications invited for the subject Teachers at Bidya Choudhury Public School, Bhomolahati, P.O-Bezera, PIN- 781121, Baihata Chariali, Kamrup for the following post. English, Assamese, Political Science, Economics, Logic & Philosophy, Education, Anthropology Banking, Business Studies, Accountancy, Mathematics. Candidates should be Master Degree. Salary negotiable. Apply with full biodata. E-mail- bcpschool15 (Dr. Raju Subba), Principal, Phone No. +9198648- 52955. SV/P/12000/1

recruitement of Project Fellow at Department of Chemistry Gauhati University

Applications invited for the position of ‘Project Fellow’ in the Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University under the UGC-MRP. Candidates may submit their applications to Dr. R.J. Sarma (email: [email protected]) within 7 days. For details, visit http:// (Academic Registrar, Gauhati University). SV/P/11966/1

Vacancy at Dr. Radhakrishnan School of Arts, Commerce and Science Amolapatty, Dibrugarh

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts on or before 20th May, 2016. 1. Lecturer in Physics 2. Demonstrator cum laboratory bearer. Educational Qualification: Post 1: Master degree in Physics (Salary will be from Rs.10,000 to Rs.40,000 for experienced and deserving candidates based on the candidate’s competence.) Post 2: H.S. from Science background with first div./B.Sc. with Physics and Chemistry as two of the subjects. To - The Principal Dr. Radhakrishnan School of Arts, Commerce and Science Amolapatty, Dibrugarh Ph- 0373-2320231 [email protected] 

Appointment of Principal at Army Public School, ,Tezpur

EXISTING VACANCIES Army Public School located at : Tezpur (Assam). Upto Class : XII APPLY TO : Application be forwarded to Chairman, Army Public School, Tezpur P.O.- Dekargaon (Solmara) PIN- 785401 Email : [email protected] Qualification & Experience : As per CBSE Bye-Laws, however B.Ed is mandatory. IT literate. In exercise of powers given vide Clause 54 of CBSE Affiliation Byelaws the following criteria and laid down for selection of Principals of APSs — (a) Senior Secondary Schools (i) Master Degree of Honours Degree of a Foreign University recognized as equivalent to the Master’s Degree of an Indian University by the U.P.S.C of Honours Degree of such Indian University as may be recognized equivalent to the Master’s Degree by the U.P.S.C. (ii) A teaching Degree (B.Ed). (iii) Experience as required under anyone of the following clauses :- (aa) AtIeast 3 years experience of administrative charge of a recognised College having Intermediate or higher classes. (ab) AtIeast 5 years experience of administrative charge of a recognized High School. (ac) AtIeast 5 years experience of teaching in a recognized college or Higher Secondary School or an equivalent teaching experience in a Teachers Training Institute. (ad) Atleast 8 years teaching experience in a recognised High School. (ae) Atleast 5 years experience including 3 years educational administrative experience and 2 years teaching experience in a recognised High or Higher Secondary School or a Teachers Training Institute. Note : Any relaxation, in age criteria, or academic qualifications to the level laid down in Chapters IX & X of CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws, will only be granted by Chairman Executive Committee of AWES. Age : Below 50 Years (Ex-servicemen below 58 yrs). Pay & Allowances : Negotiable, along with other perks as per CBSE guidelines. Special incentives for outstanding meritorious candidates. Selection Process : Through Panel Interview (Only candidates shortlisted, based on Qualification, Experience and other criteria as may be considered by the Management, will be called for interview). Apply on plain paper along with Bio-Data, affixed with photograph, mentioning the Year/School/Appointment wise experience, duly supported with experience certificates /testimonials, Email id, mobile number and postal address by 12 June 2024 TA/DA : No TA/DA admissible. 



Recruitement of lecturer at G.K.B. Degree College, Gobardhana.

Wanted Lecturer having UGC norms on negotiable pay for the post in English,Assamese,Bodo,Hindi, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Education & Arabic. Apply with full Bio-data and testimonials within fifteen days to reach the Principal/ Secretary, Gobardhana- Kharija- Bijni Degree College, P.O Gobardhana, Dist- Barpeta, Assam, PIN- 781315. Candidates will have to appear before the interview Board with original documents at their own cost in college premises. Sd/- Principal,
G.K.B. Degree College, Gobardhana.

Recruitment at NORTH EASTERN INSTITUTE OF FOLK MEDICINE PASIGHAT (ARUNACHAL PRADESH) Government of India Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy (AYUSH)

The North Eastern institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, an Autonomous organization under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, invites applications from serving employees of Central Government/State Government/Autonomous organizations for the following posts to be recruited on “DEPUTATION BASIS”.

 1. Administrative Officer One Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) GP Rs. 4800/-
 2. Accounts Officer One Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) GP Rs. 4800/-
 3. Assistant One Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) GP Rs. 4200/-

For more details log in to

Recruitement of Lectures at B.B Academy , Howly ,Barpeta

Application are invited for the post of Lecturer’s in the following Subjects on or before 19th May 2016. Subjects: Assamese, Education, Economics, Sociology, Logic & Philosophy, History, Arabic, Sanskrit, Bodo. Qualification: Master Degree in concerned subject from recognized university. Salary: Negotiable. Eligible candidates may forward the application with Bio-data mentioning their telephone Nos. along with one recent passport size photographs to The Principal, B.B. Academy, Howly (under astha Educational Trust), Ward No-2, NH-31, Dist. Barpeta (Assam) PIN-781316. Cont: 9207122554, 8721032039, 9864042757. SV/P/11428/1

Recruitement of Project Fellow at Darrang College

A walk-in-interview will be held for the post of Project Fellow on 24th May, 2016 at 11 a.m., for a UGC sponsored Major Research Project under the Department of Botany. The tenure of the project is three years and remuneration payable is Rs. 14,000/- per month. Candidates with M.Sc. in Botany (Specialization in Mycology & Plant Pathology / Microbiology) are eligible to appear in the interview. No TA / DA is admissible. Sd/- Principal, Darrang College Ph. No. 03712-220014

Advertisement for Project fellow/JPO position in Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Applications are invited for a walk in interview to be held on May 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm onward for a temporary position of Project Fellow/JPO in a NEEPCO Sponsored Project entitled “R&D work on assessment of corrosion of the steel liner of the water conductor system of Kopili H.E. Plant and suggestion for selection of corrosion resistance system for the steel liner including a model study” in the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. Appointment will be initially made for a period of one (1) year and may be extended up to six months. Knowledge of the local language and writing skills is desirable. The work will involve travelling to remote parts of Assam for project deployment.

Qualification: Project Fellow/JPO: B. Tech. or equivalent degree in Chemical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/Civil or Master degree in Chemistry will be considered for Project Fellow/JPO as per Institute rule.

Pay: `. 23,800 per month (HRA and Medical allowance included).

Candidates should report with bio-data giving all educational qualifications and experiences (if any) in details along with original & photocopies of relevant documents and two passport size photographs on 19th May, 2016 (Thursday) at 3:00 PM in the Conference room of the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. An advance copy of CV may be sent by post or e-mail to Dr. Chandan Das, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati 781039. E-mail:[email protected]
. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing the interview.

For more Details log in to

Vacancy at Numaligarh Refinery Limited

NRL is looking for dynamic, committed candidates  for recruitment against following posts

1. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Chemical) (17 Nos.)
2. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Mechanical (03 Nos.)
3. Graduate Engineer Trainee (Instrumentation) (01)

The application can be submitted only through online mode during the period from 10.00 hrs on 15-05-2024 to 24.00 hrs on 06-06-2024
For online submission of Application log in to

Assistant Project Engineer Posts at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Applications are invited for a walk in interview to be held in the Conference Room of the Department of Design on May 18, 2024 10.00 A.M. for the following temporary positions in a MHRD, Govt. of India funded project entitled “Design Innovation Centre (DIC)”.

 Post 1: Assistant Project Engineer

For more details log in to

Recruitement of Librarian and Computer Teacher at Don Bosco School, Panbazar


Recruitement of Assistant professor at Raha College

Application with full Bio-Data accompanying self attested copies of relevant testimonials are invited from the intending candidates of citizen of India as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the constitution of India and having latest U.G.C. norms for the following posts of Assistant Professor (Non-Provincialised) for Science, Arts and Commerce streams against the subjects mentioned below, on consolidated (fixed) pay within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Posts: Arts: Sociology-1 no., Anthropology- 1 no., Philosophy-1 no. Science: Mathematics -1 no., Physics-1 no., Chemistry-1 no., Zoology- 1 no., Botany-1 no., Geology-1 no. Commerce: Accountancy-1 no., Management-1 no., Sd/- Dr. B.K. Chaliha, Principal/ Secretary, Raha College, P.O.: Raha, Dist.: Nagaon, Assam, Pin: 782103. 9435727523 (M). SV/P/1211/1 

Walk-in-interview at Salt Brook Academy, Dibrugarh

A walk-in-interview will be  held for the post of  lecturer in Economics and Chemistry on 22nd May 2016 from 9am at Salt  Brook Academy Science Old Building Boiragimoth Dibrugarh.

Recruitement of Principal at T. T. College Mirza.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Principal for T. T. College Mirza. Requisite qualification : (i) Post graduate degree in Arts/ Science/ Social Science/ Humanities/ Commerce with minimum 55% marks; and (ii) M. Ed with minimum 55% marks; and (iii) Ph. D in Education or in any Pedagogic subject offered in the Institution and (iv) Eight years of teaching experience in a Secondary Teacher Education Institutions. Desirable : Diploma/Degree in Educational Administration or Educational leadership. Application must reach within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. President, Teacher’s Training College, Mirza, P.O.-Mirza, Dist: Kamrup (R) PIN-781125, Mobile No- 9678664245 SV/P/11338/1

Recuitement of Assistant Professor at K.K. Handiqui Jr & Degree College

Applications are invited from eligible candidate for the following post. 1. Asstt. Professor - Physics (1), Chemistry (1) Mathematics (1) Assamese (1). 2. English Teahcer - BA/Main English, Convened educated (Preferably NonAssamese) (Salary no bar for the right candidate). Application must reach within 10 days to the principal. K.K. Handiqui Jr & Degree College, K.K. Handiqui English Medium School, Krishna Nagar, Patasala, Barpeta, Assam, 781325. 9435618429, 9954346599. SV/P/11278/1

Recruitment in Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati

Applications in prescribed forms are invited for the following Posts in IIIT Guwahati,
1. Junior Technical Superintendent - (Electronics & Comm. Engg.)- 2
2. Junior Accounts Officer-1
For more details log in to

Appointment of Sub-Editor in Assam Tribune

Applications are invited to fill the following vacancy at The Assam Tribune, Guwahati.
The applicant should be Graduate (preferably Post Graduate) with minimum 5 years experience of working as a Sub-Editor in an English daily newspaper. Good communication skills, Computer literacy, command over English, experience in Page Layout and ability to translate from Assamese are essential. The age limit is 35 years.
              Emoluments and perks as per Wage Board recommendations will be offered. Apply with complete bio-data along with xerox copies of the original certificates and published materials along with a photograph, within 10 days of publication
To Personnel Officer, 
Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd., 
M.R.D. Road, Chandmari, Guwahati-781003. 

Vacancy at GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute

GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute Assam invites applications for the following Positions:
1. ERCP : MBBS (Freshers/Experienced)
2. Emergency Management Executive : BE/B.Tech (Automobile/Mechanical). Candidates with MBA Degree will be given preference.
3. Field Quality Auditor : (Any Graduate/ Post Graduate/TQM). 2/3 Years experience in Quality Audit.
4. Pilot : Driver
5. EMT : B.Sc./ Biology in 12 Mandatory
For more details log in to [email protected]

Hindi teacher required at South Point School, Guwahati

Application invited from Post Graduate Teacher (Hindi) candidates with B.Ed. for the post of PGT in South Point School, Guwahati. Candidates having teaching experience will be given preference. Please apply with full bio-data within 7 (seven) days at [email protected] SV/P/1115/1

Recuitement of Quality Officer and Service Promotion officer at Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya

Applications are invited for the posts of: 1) Quality Officer (1 Post) 2) Service Promotion Officer (1 Post) Age:- Not above 35 years. Educational Qualification: - For SI. 1) Having academic background of Quality Management System or Hospital Management. For SI. 2) MBA in Marketing Experience:- Min. 5 Years experience preferably. Interested Candidates may apply to:-The Manager (HR) Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya 96, Basistha Road, Beltola, Guwahati-781 028 Email:- [email protected] Tel # (0361) 2233444 / 2228921 Fax # (0361) 2228878 • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. • Last Date of Submission of application- 16th May ’2016.


Implementing agency NGO HELPLINE Applications in plain paper along with 2 recent passport size photographs and a self addressed envelope (12cm X 27cm affixing postal stamp of Rs. 10/-) are invited from the candidates for the following contractual posts before 20th May 2016 from eligible candidates of Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi district of Assam. 1. Panchayat level motivator: Total no. of Posts-321. Nature of job- field work. Qualification- 10th Passed. Maximum Age limit 40 years. Salary- 10,000.00 per month. 2. District coordinator: No. of Post-3. Nature of job-field and office management. Qualification - BBA with knowledge of MS word, tally and MS Excel. Maximum Age limit 40 years. Salary- 12,000.00 per month + incentive. 3. Area Manager: No. of Post-1. Nature of job- over all control on project implementation. Qualification- MBA with knowledge of MS word, tally and MS Excel. Maximum Age limit- 40 years. Salary- 15,000.00 per month + incentive. *For Post No. I mentioning of Gaon Panchayat in the permanent address field of application is mandatory. Managing Director, NGO HELPLINE H.N. 247 2nd floor, Hengrabari Road, Near Sankardev Namghar Dispur, Guwahati-781006

Speech Therapist required at the Child Guidance Centre of NIPCCD, GUWAHATI.

Applications are invited for filling up of one post of Speech Therapist (Part time, 64 hours in a month) at the Child Guidance Centre of NIPCCD, GUWAHATI. Remuneration:Rs.12,000/-p.m. Qualification & Experience :B.Sc Hearing language & Speech (BSLP) with 2 years experience or Graduate with Diploma in Hearing Language & Speech (DSLP) with 5 years experience in related field. Candidates having above qualification and experience should submit their application in a plain paper alongwith complete bio-data with all attested copies of testimonials and experience certificates to the Regional Director, NIPCCD, Regional Centre, Khanapara(Behind Kendriya Vidyalaya), Guwahati-22. The last date of receipt of the application is May 25, 2016.The Institute has right to reject any incomplete application without assigning any reason. For details, Asstt. Admn. Officer may be contacted (PhoneNo. 0361- 2303049). 

Faculty required at SADBA Institute of Technology and Management (Mirza Branch)

SADBA Institute of Technology and Management (Mirza Branch) requires Faculty. Qualification: MCA/BCA/ PGDCA. Interested candidates can come for the interview on 09.05.2024 from 2 pm to 5 pm. Venue: SITM, Lakshmi Service Station Complex, Above LICI, Silpukhuri, Ghy-781003. #9854003313, 8822050973. SV/P/1053/2

Teachers required at St. John Hr. Sec. Resi. School Diphu Road, Dimapur-797112 (Nagaland)

Applications are invited for the post of (1) Computer Teacher with qualification B. Tech (Computer Science/IT) or M. Sc. (Computer Science/IT) or MCA or Graduate with PGDCA from a recognized university. Starting salary Rs. 20000/- PM. (2) Maths & Science teacher to teach in High School with an educational qualification of B. Sc. (Honours) with B. Ed. Starting salary Rs. 15000/- PM. Apply in own handwriting with full bio-data, Photo and Phone number immediately. Accommodation Free. Principal St. John Hr. Sec. Resi. School P. B. No.120, Diphu Road, Dimapur-797112 (Nagaland) M. No. 09436260391, 09436408311

Situation vacant at Rhino Army Pre Primary School, Basistha, Guwahati.

1. Applications are invited from eligible female candidates for the post of “Teacher” with the following qualification to be appointed on contract basis at the Rhino Army Pre Primary School, Basistha, Guwahati. (a) Teacher (i) Age 25-45 yrs. (ii) Minimum Graduate with B.Ed/ Nursery Teaching Training. (iii) Fluent in English and Hindi (iv) Teaching experience at Nursery / Primary Level (Desirable). (v) Capable of handling cocurricular activities. (vi) Basic Knowledge of Computer. (b) Clerk (i) Age: 35-40 yrs. (ii) Ex-service man with min 10 yrs. experience. (iii) 10+2 std. pass from a recognized board. (iv) Good working knowledge of Hindi and English language. (v) Typing speed min 50 WPM. (vi) 5 yrs experience as a clerk or an accounts clk and typist, preferable in a school. Computer knowledge is a must. Eligible candidates may forward aplications mentioning their telephone Nos. along with attested copies of all certificates and two recent passport size photographs to “The Chairman of Rhino Army Pre Primary School, 151 Base Hospital, Basistha, Guwahati- 781029” before 12 May 2016. Test and interiew will be held 14 May 2016 at 8.30 am onwards.

                                                                  Rhino Army Pre Primary School, 151 Base                                                                                      Hospital, Basistha Guwahati

Interview for Research Scientist at Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Dibrugarh

Interview will be held on 12-05-2024 for the post of Research Scientist - II (M), Scientist B (M/NM), Sr. Technical Assistant, Technical Assistant and Laboratory Technician, at 9:00 A.M. at the Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Dibrugarh. For details please visit website

HR Coordinator (male) required at SFS School Narengi

SFS School Narengi is looking for HR Coordinator (male) with Post Graduation Degree/MBA and minimum experience of 5 years. Contact No. 7086997928, Email id: [email protected] SV/P/10662/3

Teachers required at The Reality Public School, Kokrajhar, Assam,

A leading CBSE, Co-Ed.Residential Educational Institution- The Reality Public School,Kokrajhar, Assam, needs the following qualified and experienced candidates:1. Mathematics Teachers B.Sc.(Royal)/M.Sc(Mathematics) with B.Ed.2. Hindi Teacher- B.A./M.A (Hindi) with B.Ed. 3. Computer Teacher- B.C.A/M.C.A/B.Sc. (Computer)/M.Sc.(Computer)/PGDCA.4. Hostel Warden (Female- Age
35-50) with experience. (SalaryNegotiable).
      Experienced candidates will be given preference. Salary as per state govt. norms for serial number1, 2 & 3. Deserving and interested candidates may apply with complete required documents within 7 days from the date of advertisement to The Principal, The Reality Public School, Chandamari, Kokrajhar, BTC, Assam783370 or send Email at:realitypublicschool@ or Contact No- 09435293000,
09435278890, 03661-218201.

Recruitment of different positions under State Project Management Unit and District Project Management Unit (DPMU), World Bank assisted Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project (Neer Nirmal Pariyojana) under PHED, Assam

Public Health Engineering Department, Government of Assam with assistance from the World Bank is currently engaged in implementation and sustainable maintenance of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in seven districts of Jorhat, Kamrup (M), Hailakandi, Bongaigaon, Sivsagar, Sonitpur and Morigaon,
Assam. Applications are invited to fill up various vacant positions, in prescribed format as per Annesure-A along with all relevant self-attested testimonials are invited from eligible candidates for the under noted contractual positions so as to reach this office latest by 20th May, 2016. The upper age limit is restricted to 40 years as on 01.01.2016. In service personnel need to apply through proper channel.
For more details log in to

Vacancy Announcement in Assam State Disaster Management Authority

Applications are invited from intending candidates, who are Indian Citizens for engagement on contract basis under ASDMA.
1. Project Officer, District Disaster Management Authority,. (1 No.)
2. Project Officer, Training & Capacity Building. (1 no.)
3. Project Officer, Knowledge Management & Climate Change. (1 no.)
For more Details log in to

Temporary Appointment of System Engineer and Project Assistant in IIT Guwahati

Application are invited for Temporary Post of
1. System Engineer (1 Nos.)
2. Project Assistant (2 Nos.)
For More Details Log on to


A panel of candidates to be engaged on purely temporary and contractual basis as per requirement for the session 2016-17 is going to be prepared based on KVS guidelines. Interested candidates possessing requisite qualification may attend interview along with original testimonials and 01 set of photocopies on 03.05.2024 at 9.00 AM for the following posts at school premises: (a) PGT(Chemistry): M.Sc (Chemistry) with 50% + B.Ed (b)Yoga Teacher Graduate + 01 year Diploma in Yoga (c) Counsellor : BA/B.Sc (Phychology)+01 year Diploma in Counselling Principal

Lab. Assistant required at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar

Applications are invited for a position of Lab Assistant under an ICMR sponsored project of Dr. Jatin Sarmah at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Assam. For details, please Visitwww.bodolanduniversity. Advt. No. 04. Dated: 28/4/2016. Sd/- Registrar Bodoland University

Teachers required at , Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School, Tinsukia

Dedicated Teachers (PGTs, TGTs & PRTs) required for English, Hindi, Maths, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) & Social Studies (History, Geography, Pol Science). Salary as per 6th Assam Pay Commission for all deserving candidates. Other benefits include Gratuity, PF, Pension, Earned Leave, etc as per Rules. Accommodation will be provided to deserving candidates. Apply with photograph, hand written application and detailed biodata to the Manager, Budding Buds Sr. Sec. School, Tinsukia- 786125. SV/494/1 

Recruitement of Section officer, Computer Lab. assistant,IT officer , Video-Editor at University of Science & Technology Meghalaya

Interested candidates  can post or e-mail their  resume to [email protected]  on or before 7th May 2016.For details please visit institute website.